The Center promotes research, conferences and publications with particular attention to Medieval and Comparative Literature and to the development of Digital Technologies.


Research areas:

1) Korean Literature and Culture (collection: Koreanische Literatur und Kultur 1995-2004, series: Hagiographica Coreana, 2001 and later)

2) Latin Literature of the European Middle Age (collection: “Scrittori latini dell’Europa medievale”, Pacini Editore, 2009 and later)

3) International Poetry (“Semicerchio. Rivista di poesia comparata”, founded in 1986, affiliated to the Center for Comparative Literature since 2005)

4) Digital Philology: Master in Digital Humanities; Summer School on Digital Book; workshops and meetings about textometry and quantitative methods; ALIM Project (PRIN 2012), Corpus Rhythmorum Musicum, Lexicon, Eurasian Latin Archive, Erasmus/DEMM