Il 5 e 6 settembre si terrà a Seoul si terrà la conferenza internazionale “Empire and Politics in the Eastern and Western Civilizations”
2nd International Conference of Roma Sinica Studies
Empire and Politics: in the East and West Civilizations
5-6 September 2019
VENUE: Building #4, Shinyang Hall, Room 302 (International Conference Room)
Seoul National University, Seoul in South Korea
VENUE: Building #4, Shinyang Hall, Room 302 (International Conference Room)
Seoul National University, Seoul in South Korea
ORGANIZERS: The Institute of Humanities, Seoul National University,
The Institute of Greco-Roman Studies, Seoul National University,
Société Internationale des Amis de Cicéron,
5th September
09:00 Opening address & Official presentation
1st Session
09:30 Keynote Lecture 1: Maurizio Riotto (Anyang University, Korea)
“Empires, Kingdoms and Nomads: Real and Imaginary Characters between Ancient Korea and the Silk Road”
10:20 Gościwit Malinowski (Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Poland)
“Imperator, huang di, cakravartin – The Idea of the Highest Universal Divine Ruler in the West, China and India”
11:00 Pause
11:20 杨巨平 (Yang, Juping) (Nankai University (南开大学), China)
“The Coexistence of Four Empires and the Opening of the Maritime Silk Road”
12:00 Discussion
12:30 Lunch
2nd Session
14:00 Stéphane Mercier (Brussels International Catholic School, Belgium)
“To Serve or Not to Serve? Seneca and Confucians between Involvement in Politics and Scholarly Retreat”
14:40 Andrea Balbo (Università di Torino, Italy)
“Politics in Ancient Rome and its Reception. Cicero, Seneca and the Words of Politics in the Confucius Sinarum Philisophus”)
15:20 – Pause
15:40 Philippe Rousselot (The President of SIAC, France)
“Ubi solitudinem inveniunt, imperium appellant: The French Empire in Rome’s Mirror”
16:20 Ermanno Malaspina (Pontificia Academia Latinitatis, Italy)
“From “Zero Tolerance” to “Turn the Other Cheek” and back: the Graeco-Roman Roots of a Modern Transcultural Dilemma”
17:00 Discussion
6th September
09:00 Keynote Lecture 2: Mortimer Sellers (University of Baltimore School of Law, USA)
“Empire and Politics in Eastern and Western Civilizations”
09:50 Michele Ferrero (Beijing Foreign Studies University (北京外国语大学), China)
“The Latin Translations of Confucian Terminology on Government and Rule in Early Jesuit’s Manuscripts”
10:30 Pause
10:50 安西眞 (Anzai, Makoto) (Hokkaido University (北海道大学), Japan)
“Socrates’ Dream and His Decision in Plato’s Crito”
11:30 Aldo Setaioli (Università degli Studi di Perugia, Italy)
“Androcles in China”
12:10 Discussion
12:40 Lunch
4th Session
14:00 Francesco Stella (Università degli Studi di Siena, Italy)
“Empire and politics in Carolingian Poetry”
14:40 안재원 (Ahn, Jaewon) (Seoul National University, Korea)
“Does pax mean truly peace?: focusing on The Declaration for Eastern Asian Peace of Ahn Jungeun(안중근)”
15:20 Pause
15:40 Keynote Lecture 3: 이성원 (Lee, Sung-Won) (Seoul National University, Korea)
“Liberal Imperialism Reconsidered”
16:30 Discussion
17:00 Closing of the Conference